bohu rati kati okolxoria mur mon kio tumak herualu nijore majore pora bohu rati kati okolxoria mur mon sokure nigore kesa anuvuti otitor bukur pora kotha baki bohu dinore pora adhorua kahini tumi xamora herualu tumak moi nijor major pora bohu rati tumar sobi vahi ahe smritir kobita lahe dhire ako akai vabi rodali aji dekha dila tumi aji gupone muk xopunote…. him sesa rati aha kaxole mur pole pole korenu xur vahi kaxole mur bilin hoi tumar smritite bohu rati tumar sobi vahi ahe smritir kobitate lahe lahe otit hola udax monor ximonate bohu rati tumar sobi vahi ahe smritir kobitate lahe dhire ako akai virot ami aji
Bohu Rati Song Video
AxomLyrics FAQs & Trivia:
Who wrote the lyrics of the “Bohu Rati” song?
Debabrata Gogoi has written the lyrics of “Bohu Rati”.
Who is the singer of the “Bohu Rati” song?
Sannidhya Bhuyan has sung the song “Bohu Rati”.
Who gave the music for the “Bohu Rati” song?
Aarxslan has composed the music for the song “Bohu Rati”.
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