Jipaal 2.0 Lyrics by Sannidhya Bhuyan is the latest Assamese song. This song is Music is giveb by Tonmoy Krypton. Jipaal 2.0 Lyrics lyrics were written by Rajib Bhuyan. The music video featuring Samiran Mohan & Khyati Das.

Jipaal 2.0 Track Info:

SongJipaal 2.0
SingerSannidhya Bhuyan
MusicTonmoy Krypton.
LyricsRajib Bhuyan
CastSamiran Mohan & Khyati Das

Jipaal 2.0 Lyrics

Xeujere Bhora Ekhoni Pothar
Sokure Nomoni Nedekha Xipar
Morome Aabora Hiyare Bhakhar
Kotonu Kobita Likhisu Tumar – (2x)

Hidoyote Hojotone Xongupone
Haasi Rokha Premor Kobita
Tumi Mur Jibonore Joubonore
Probhatir Xunali Kobita  – (2x)

Mur Kamonar Mur Baxonar
Tumi Sobi Morom Xona
Tumi Jaana Ne Najana
Tumi Jaana Ne Najana – (2x)

Tumale Morom Mur Olekh Opar
Bhabonate Din Mur Rati Ekakar
Aabegere Bhora Hiyare Aakhar
Jolabane Saaki Hiyare Tumar – (2x)

Hidoyote Hojotone Xongupone
Haasi Rokha Premore Kobita
Tumi Mur Jibonore Joubonore
Probhatir Xunali Kobita  – (2x)

Tumi Hiyare Kolpona
Tumi Monor Eti Kamona
Tumi Jaana Ne Najana
Tumi Jaana Ne Najana – (2x)

Music Video Of “Jipaal 2.0” Song

AxomLyrics FAQs & Trivia:

Who sung the “Jipaal 2.0” song?

Sannidhya Bhuyan has sung the “Jipaal 2.0” song.

Who has written lyrics of the “Jipaal 2.0” song?

Rajib Bhuyan has written the lyrics of the “Jipaal 2.0” song.

Who has composed music for the “Jipaal 2.0” song?

Tonmoy Krypton composed the music of the “Jipaal 2.0” song.

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