Mon Fuloni Lyrics by Sannidhya Bhuyan is the latest Assamese song with music given by Sannidhya Bhuyan. Mon Fuloni Lyrics are written by Deepak Bhuyan.
mur mon fulonit fuli roba tumi fuloni xuoni kori fuloni xuoni kori mur hiyar majot xodai thakiba tumi smritire uronir aarot smritire uronir aarot xeuj bulia xopun xuria tumar hahiti jugomia monoloi ahibo monote thakibo smritir bat mur dhuxoria dukhor abeli kunuba godhuli usupibo mur mon mur mon fulonit fuli roba tumi fuloni xuoni kori fuloni xuoni kori mur hiyar majot xodai thakiba tumi smritire uronir aarot smritire uronir aarot nilikhu Moi kunu dukhor kobita nagau kunu dukhu geti nilikhu moi kunu dukhor kobita nagau kunu dukhu geti kunuba jonomor xubho ati khyonor kuhi pat ulua bohagi botorot punor log pam buli mur mon fulonit fuli roba tumi fuloni xuoni kori fuloni xuoni kori fuloni xuoni kori
Mon Fuloni Song Video
AxomLyrics FAQs & Trivia:
Who wrote the lyrics of the “Mon Fuloni” song?
Deepak Bhuyan has written the lyrics of “Mon Fuloni”.
Who is the singer of the “Mon Fuloni” song?
Sannidhya Bhuyan has sung the song “Mon Fuloni”.
Who gave the music for the “Mon Fuloni” song?
Sannidhya Bhuyan has composed the music for the song “Mon Fuloni”.
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