Premor Kotha Lagil Letha Lyrics by Namrata Priyam & Rakesh Reeyan is a newly released Assamese song music also given by Kakul Bharali. The latest song Premor Kotha Lagil Letha lyrics are written by Nilotpal Kalita. The music video featured Soubhik Rajkhowa & Yasashree.

Premor Kotha Lagil Letha Song Details:

Song:Premor Kotha Lagil Letha
Singer(s):Namrata Priyam & Rakesh Reeyan
Musician(s):Kakul Bharali
Written by:Nilotpal Kalita
Label(©):Namrata Priyam

Premor Kotha Lagil Letha Lyrics

Coming Soon

Premor Kotha Lagil Letha Song Video

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